Lore24 Jan 5: The Sorcerer-King Ea-Nur and the Council of the Wise Part 1


The Sorcerer-King Ea-Nur rules Nashat-Ippur from the Tower of Bronze in the city center. He is an old man, nearly blind, hard of hearing, and foul of temper but still possessing enough magic to reduce a man to ash with a wave of his finger. It is said one of his ancestors was Hath-Ur, the Brilliant Sun himself, and another was the terrible storm dragon Al-Tenem. His magic is therefore of scorching heat, dazzling light, and unstoppable storm. In his old age he rarely leaves the Bronze Tower, sometimes only on the Day of the Sun (summer solstice) when he is leading a parade through town on top of a giant golden sedan throne.

He leaves most of the day-to-day ruling to his son, Ea-Ir, and his daughter, Set-Nur. Of the two the son is more popular with the nobles and the military, but the daughter is the more powerful sorcerer, and she has the backing of some of the temples. The two are constantly maneuvering for power, and when their father dies, they will inevitably clash in a bid for power.

The Council of the Wise is a sort of advisory council for the sorcerer-king. It consists of seven seats, with three seats for the heads of the three most prominent noble houses, one for the high commander of the military, and three for the three most powerful temples in the city. Right now the members of the council are the following:

- Hashut Namir, head of the Namir House, one of the largest landholders in the city. He values tradition, discipline, and wants to restore Nashat-Ippur to its lost glory. He bitterly laments the loss of his right leg in a battle a few decades ago, and has a near inexhaustible list of why things used to be better which he will loudly regale to anyone, whether they are willing to listen or not. He supports Ea-Ir, because he thinks he respects his father more (this is false), and because he thinks he will listen to him (also debatable).

- Shar Akamat, head of the Akamat House, which used to manage the docks and water-based trade in the city. After the untimely (and according to some rumors not exactly caused by natural means) death of her husband, Amar Akamat, Shar ascended to the position of councilor. She is a keen politician with deep connections almost everywhere in the city, and definitely the person to come to if one needs dirt on any of the powerful figures in the city. She speaks in a shrill voice, mostly to unnerve and distract whoever she is talking to. She says it helps her see the true soul of people. She supports Ea-Ir, because she knows he will have to lean more heavily on the council when he’s in power owing to him being a less powerful sorcerer than his father or sister.

 Image by unknown


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