Lore24 Mar 26: Metal Men

Often found inside or near ruins left behind by those who came before, metal men (as the name suggests) are strange humanoids made from some sort of unknown silvery metal. They speak no known language, and seem to either be controlled by a single mind, or be able to communicate with each other instantly and without words.

While communication is difficult, it is not entirely hopeless, and at least some understanding of mutual neutrality can usually be established. Sometimes they are even willing to trade, though their demands are always strange, and what they offer isn’t always worth the trouble, but on rare occasions they are willing to part with strange items that have magical powers far surpassing what mortals are able to create.

Metal men seem to be protecting certain places, and can become violent if one insists on going into restricted areas. They usually have other metallic creatures living alongside them, some that have wheels, but move around without anything to push or pull them, some that look vaguely like octopi, and even some that can fly through the air like strange birds.

Not much thought is dedicated to these beings by philosophers and prophets, and most people just assume they are creations of the gods, the same as animals, but some think they got left behind from a time before the creation of the current world, though how that is possible, no-one can tell.

 Image by Aziret Tumenbaev


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