Lore24 Jan 26: Peoples pt. 1: Orcs

There are a multitude of different peoples in the known world. Most are quite similar, sharing a basic bodyplan of one head, two arms and two legs, but some can be quite different. In the age of great empires one could travel and trade all over the world, so it’s no wonder that all kinds of people exist basically everywhere. It is true, however that certain peoples are more numerous in certain parts of the world. Of course people aren’t a monolith, and even among, say the orcs, there are multiple ethnic groups, different languages, and multiple kingdoms, each with their own history, friends, foes and agendas. And of course an orc living in Nashat-Ippur will have more in common with their bronze elf neighbors than with their kin living on the western islands. The following are just some of the various peoples one can meet.

Orcs are thought to be masters of combat, on account of having four arms and fearsome tusks. This allows them to fire two bows, if rather inaccurately, to wield a shield and three spears while on foot, or to drive a chariot while shooting arrows. Orcs are said to be the best charioteers, and a lot of them are quite good sailors as well. Their skin colors range from dark olives to vibrant greens. They are most numerous to the west, living on rolling grasslands, and small islands on the sea.

Image by Ashere



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