Lore24 Jan 1: Nashat-Ippur


The city of Nashat-Ippur was once a seat of great empire, now after plagues, a volcanic eruption, famine, and rebellion it is a shadow of its former self. The great firestorm burned the docks on the great river Sem, the quaint wooden houses, and the great bazaars. Now in their place stands a ramshackle collection of cheap tents, shacks, and huts inhabited by the ever-growing number of the desolate, hungry and sick.

The palaces, temples, and gardens of the old imperial elite still stand in the middle, separated by a great mudbrick wall some ten meters high, from the problems of the lower class. Therein the old aristocracy still pretends at imperial grandeur, though the sources of wealth have dried up, and the great edifices of old have begun to crumble under the pressure of greed, nepotism, and plain old incompetence. As the nobles’ estates crumble, their eyes are ever vigilant for new sources of wealth. Indeed many have their gaze turned onto the sprawling necropolis on the other side of the river tended by the priesthood of the White Lady, and the stolen treasures of long-gone emperors still contained within. The dead however are not always willing to part with their valuables, and even in life, many have taken steps to stop their grave goods from falling into the hands of tomb robbers.



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