Lore24 Jan 17: Treasures of the Crypts pt. 1

The following are just some of the magical artifacts that were buried in the crypt-complex of the Sorcerer-Kings of Nashat-Ippur:

Sword of a Thousand Flames: A beautiful one-handed bronze straight sword decorated with rubies, garnets, and citrines. It was owned by Adab Who Stole a Thousand Flames, a nomad warlord, who conquered Nashat-Ippur, and founded its second royal dynasty almost a thousand years ago. It contains one thousand fire spells from producing harmless sparks to calling down a rain of fire from the skies over an entire city. Each spell can only be used once, and then it is gone forever. However it is possible to “recharge” the sword by storing new spells inside of it. The only requirement is that the spell must conjure some form of fire, and that the user cannot be able to cast the specific spell that is to be stored.

Crown of the All-Seeing Father: This crown looks less like a piece of regal headgear and more like a steel loop with a random collection of golden and copper wires connected to it. Some whisper it is an artifact of those that who before. When properly fitted, the wearer can read the minds of nearby creatures. The range of this ability is only a few meters at first, but as one wears the crown more and more, this increases exponentially. It also becomes harder and harder to focus on only one person at a time. It is said that multiple monarchs were driven mad as the endless cacophony of thoughts from the entire city flooded their minds. Finally it was transported to the crypt-complex in a rare instance of someone breaking into a tomb not to steal something, but to leave it inside.

Burial Shroud for the Most Beautiful: This burial shroud is rumored to be made from the silk of giant spiders. It is worn by Mazzet Ur-Nami, favorite consort of the Sorcerer-King Tiglath-Shamsi, widely considered to be the most beautiful woman to have ever lived. To stop her from ever being touched by someone else Tiglath-Shamsi mummified her with his own hands, and made her this burial shroud, before having her body taken to his crypt where he would reanimate her so that they could be together for all eternity. The shroud has only one very simple spell woven into it: any living thing that touches it, dies instantly.

Image from Kult of Athena


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