Lore24 Jan 16: The Crypt-Complex of the Sorcerer-Kings of Nashat-Ippur

Perhaps the most striking feature of the necropolis of Nashat-Ippur is the crypt-complex of the Sorcerer-Kings of old. It is rumored to contain the wealth of a hundred kingdoms that were conquered by the Sorcerer-Kings buried within. Of course it is protected by traps, both magical and mundane, the undead servants of the Sorcerer-Kings, as well as the Sorcerer-Kings themselves rising from their sarcophagi to wield their ancient magics once more.

The requisite for being buried in this complex is not actually to have been a Sorcerer-King of Nashat-Ippur in life, but to be a member of the royal family and to achieve undeath on one’s own. This leads to a very strange bias in the inhabitants. Since the souls of people who did great deeds in life get spared from the suffering of the Underworld, some of the greatest kings and emperors are not present, while many talented sorcerers who are barely mentioned in the histories are. Then there are some truly great rulers as well, who made too many enemies in life, or just didn’t want to ever pass on.

The crypt-complex actually houses a quite vibrant and dynamic society, complete with political factions (usually centered around one of the undead monarchs), the trade of grave goods, ritualistic sacrifice and reanimation of would-be tomb robbers, and much more. There are plots, friendships, and rivalries, from both before and after the participants’ deaths. There are also semi-frequent expeditions to the necropolis outside, mostly to acquire new bodies to be used as additional undead servants, or to clear space for additional buildings in anticipation of a new Sorcerer-King or Queen being buried in the complex.


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