Lore24 Jan 14: The Royal Princess, Set-Nur

Like his brother, Ea-Ir, the royal princess Set-Nur is a valid heir to the throne of Nashat-Ippur, and all her territories. She is the magically gifted of the two, and her magic lends itself more to crating and controlling lightning, thunder and rainstorms. She is studious, serious, and is almost entirely without a sense of humor. She usually looks quite disheveled, with huge black circles under her eyes from studying spell-tomes until the small hours of dawn. When she need to however, she can cut quite a striking and royal figure.

Her power base comes mostly from the temples, which appreciate her dedication and interpret her natural talent as an indication that the gods would prefer her on the throne. She knows that in spite of her good standing with the temples, it is not certain if they would take up arms against her brother, so she is planning on poisoning him as soon as their father passes away. For this purpose she is poring over alchemical treatises and tomes on herbalism. She will pay good money for a copy of the grimoire Between Life and Death, a Catalog of Substances That Heal or Harm, by the famous southern scholar Baket-Sobek. She is also willing to trade copies of spellbooks and spellscrolls with sorcerers, priests or divine champions.

Between Set-Nur and Ea-Ir neither wants to start a magical confrontation to determine the succession, mostly because it would surely destroy huge swathes of the city. However neither will back down from their claim, and both will try to defeat the other with brute magical force if they feel like they have no other choice. This will make the situation after the current Sorcerer-King’s death extremely volatile, unless someone finds a way to tip the scales before that happens.

 Image by A-gnosis


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