Lore24 Jan 24: Treasures of the Crypts pt. 4

The Spear of Numati is a long spear made of cedar wood, tipped with bronze. It was made for Prince Numati (who didn’t inherit any magic and as such was not a valid heir to the Sorcerer-King), to slay a monstrous boar named Lagashti, who was razing the villages north of Ish-Nitar, one of the regional capitals of the Ippur Empire.

The Spear was buried with Numati’s grandson, En-Sippar, who succeeded in becoming an undead wraith, and thus became interred in the crypt-complex of Nashat-Ippur.

It has unique enchantment that made it able to unerringly find and pierce Lagashti’s heart (Lagashti was able to move his heart around in his body, turning what were surely fatal blows into flesh wounds). Since Lagashti’s death however, the Spear became only as useful as a normal bronze spear, since it was made to slay a specific foe.

This is not unusual, in fact since this kind of enchantment is relatively easy to weave, most magical weapons are in fact made to kill a specific foe, after which they essentially become just normal weapons. A bit less common are weapons enchanted to be especially potent against a certain type of foes, such as giants, dragons, giant wolves, etc. Magical weapons that are generally useful, such as ones imbued with flames, or able to cut stone are in fact quite rare.


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