Lore24 Apr 30: Draconic Society

Dragons being a mostly solitary species rarely came into contact with each other, save to mate or to fight. This of course meant that over time mortals with their increasingly complex and efficient societies were eventually able to overcome even the strongest dragons. Dragons, being an intelligent species saw what was happening, and were desperately searching for a way to avoid extinction. The solution ironically came from mortals as well. Originally developed for the convenience of Sorcerer-Kings, long-range communication magic in the form of crystal balls, sacred pools and the like were perfect for enabling meetings between dragons without triggering their instincts to tear each other apart. Thus the draconic society was born. Being so new, their society is barely more than a forum for them to share information, but still it has enabled dragons to somewhat anticipate and be better prepared for mortal incursions into their territories, and with more and more of those who refused to join falling to mortal heroes, dragons increasingly see the value in this society, and some radicals have even suggested cooperation between members. While that is certainly a long way off if it happens at all, the possibility of dragons working together is would be enough for any ruler to quake in their boots if they knew about it.

 Image by William Orr (you should *really* check out Hunter Black)


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