Lore24 Feb 24: Peoples Pt 4: Reptilians

As the name implies reptilians are large reptile-looking humanoids. They have small, fine scales that from a distance gives the illusion of leathery skin. They also possess integumentary filaments, especially on the head, that gives the impression of fur and hair. They have short faces and forward-looking eyes. Coloration varies a lot, but its mostly greens and browns, sometimes with stripes or other patterns.

Reptilians mostly live to the South-west of the former Ippur Empire, concentrated along the banks of the river Hapy, whose regular floods provide a reliable basis for agriculture, but many live in diasporas elsewhere, even in the far north, as they are in fact warm-blooded. They are skilled architects, astronomers, and their mathematicians are without peer. They also have a flourishing shipping and shipbuilding industry which focuses on ferrying goods up and down the river. They are also the civilization least ravaged by the current crisis, even being able to stop a foreign invasion.

They usually depict the gods as animal-headed humanoids, which many find ironic, as to other humanoids they appear as animal-headed humanoids themselves. According to legends they were created by Soo-Eh as part of a bet with the other deities.

 Image by Matteo Bacchin


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