Lore24 Feb 1: Satnak

It has been forty-five years since the city of Satnak, and by extension the province named after it rose up in rebellion. Forty-three years since the Five Sorcerers have slain the tyrant Numash-Akir, and seared his flesh from his bones. Forty-two since the new Sorcerer-King of Nashat-Ippur sued for peace. Now the situation is almost as volatile. Three of the Five Sorcerers are dead or on their deathbed, and the remaining two seem to have their sights on making sure that their sons rule Satnak as sole Sorcerer-King. Yet the families and followers of the other three are not ready to take this change in leadership lying down, and are willing to look for outside help to rescue the city from this predicament.

The city of Satnak itself is built where the rivers Nir and Emsa merge to form the river Sem, at the foot of the northern mountains, at a natural meeting place of different peoples, making it a bustling hub of trade. Since before the city’s founding the mountain peaks were used to commune with the gods of the sky, while the caverns below hosted rites to the Underworld deities. This history meant that Satnak quickly became a religious center with shrines and temples springing up like mushrooms after rain.

The city is naturally divided into three parts by the rivers. The smallest is the holy quarter, housing the administrative bureaucracy, the palaces of the nobles, most of the prestigious temples, and the Five Towers, the residences of the Five Sorcerers. The second largest is the merchant quarter, lined with docks, and filled with the residences of traders and artisans, warehouses, and markets. The temples of Pafatra, the Crafter, and Kuthur, Who Watches the Paths are also located here. The largest is the residential quarter, where most of the city’s population lives.

 Image by Junhong Long


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