Lore24 Jan 27: Peoples pt. 2: Bronze Elves and Humans
Bronze elves are tall, pointy-eared humanoids. Unlike some other elves they can grow facial hair, which they take great pride in. They use sesame oil and elaborate rings to style and maintain their facial hair. Their skin is quite reflective, giving it an almost metallic shine. Skin colors range from almost totally black to shining copper, or even brass tones. Most bronze elves live in the East, in the heartland of the old Ippur Empire. They are said to have an innate talent for astrology, poetry and soothsaying.
Image by perseomedusa
Humans are said to have originated on a different world, where the gravity was higher. While some dispute this theory, it is undeniable that humans can reach a much higher muscle mass than other people, and their physical strength and stamina can reach heights where others struggle to follow. Of course most humans who are just living their everyday lives don’t reach the top of their potential, being about as strong as anybody else. In fact humans can get too strong: after a certain point their own muscles can break their bones if they are not careful. It is speculated that the lower gravity somehow causes their bones to be more brittle than they would have been on their original homeworld.
Most humans live in the North, supporting themselves more with animal husbandry than farming. Some of the largest tin mines can also be found there, and some tribes have gotten quite rich in the past from selling tin to the large empires of the south. Unfortunately nowadays international trade has pretty much collapsed, but the image of humans being burly brutish miners still lingers in many cultures.
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