Lore24 Mar 17: The Golden Lion of Niqur

The Golden Lion is a large man-eating lion living near the town of Niqur. It is not actually made of gold, the name is a reference to its light, yellowish mane. It cannot be permanently killed, as at the next sunrise its wounds close, poisons leave its body, its chopped off pieces reattach, and even if its body is burned, it is reconstituted from the ashes.

The Lion has a large stash of gold coins and imperishable goods from the traders and tax collectors it has devoured, as well as some magical weapons and armor from would-be heroes that tried to slay it. It also keeps a small herd of cows it stole from town.

It cannot speak, but it understands the local language, and is addicted to gambling. As its immortality is actually a gift from Cur-Atesh, it can be lost in a gamble, and gambling for it is probably the easiest way to kill the Lion.

 Image by William Warby


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