#Lore24 Basic Design Document

I am writing this mainly for myself, as I am extremely prone to just have my creative mind wander off into the distance coming up with all sorts of nonsense which, while entertaining isn't necessarily coherent or meshes well with whatever tone I started the project off with. So now I want to write down some rough guidelines for what I'll be attempting to create on this blog. For those who don't know, #lore24 is similar to #dungeon23. The idea is that I will post about something that exists within a setting of my own making, every day for the whole of 2024. Now hopefully I'll be busy enough that I must skip a few days during the year, but I also aim to make up for those days, so that by the end of the year, I'll have 366 posts in the #lore24 category. As for the guidelines for myself: I am looking to create a bronze-age inspired setting. Bronze age collapse to be precise, with a heavy dose of planetary romance slapped on top. Also a bunch of messed up stuff in the ...